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Space-Saving Solutions

Making the Most of Small Living Rooms with Corner Sofas

At Finline Furniture, we understand the challenges of furnishing small living spaces without compromising on comfort and style. Today, we are thrilled to present our space-saving solution that has proven to be a game-changer for countless homeowners - the versatile corner sofas.

History of Luxury

Open and Airy Feel:

Unlike traditional sofas, which can make a small room feel cramped and cluttered, corner sofas open up the room’s layout. By hugging the walls, they create an illusion of more space and help maintain an open and airy atmosphere..

Customisation for a Perfect Fit:

We offer a variety of corner sofa designs and configurations, ensuring that you can find the ideal piece to fit your unique living room dimensions. Our customisable options allow you to choose the size, fabric, and colour that best suits your style and needs.



Quality hand crafted furniture

Optimal Use of Corners:

Small living rooms often have limited floor space, but they also have corners that are often overlooked. Our corner sofas are specifically designed to fit snugly into these corners, making the most of otherwise unused areas and freeing up valuable central space.

Maximising Seating Capacity:

Corner sofas allow you to make the most out of every inch of your living room. By utilising corners efficiently, they provide ample seating for family members and guests without overwhelming the room with multiple individual pieces of furniture.


Quality hand crafted furniture


Visual Appeal:

While practicality is crucial, we also understand the importance of aesthetics. Our corner sofas boast exquisite craftsmanship and elegant designs, enhancing the overall appeal of your living room while providing the much-needed seating solution.

Cosy and Inviting:

Despite the space-saving benefits, our corner sofas never compromise on comfort. Sink into the plush cushions and enjoy the cosy, inviting feel, making your small living room an enjoyable space for relaxation and socialising.