The Finline Family

Our Fabric Cutters
“Everyone who worked here in the beginning (down to the driver of our lorry) were friends of mine, and the majority of them are still working here 30 to 45 years later. They are a super team, we’re more than employers and employees, it's a big family we have here" Kieran Finane
Our Upholsterers
We have people coming back now after 40, 45 years looking to have their furniture recovered because they can't buy a more comfortable suite anywhere. We make sofas to last – they just go on and on.
Our Upholsterers
Our Furniture Upholsterers have a minimum of 10 years employment with Finline Furniture. Many have been working longer. Making Handcrafted Furniture takes huge skill and is extremely time-consuming. It takes years to hone this craft to perfection. We have confidence that our Upholsterers in Ireland are as skilled as anywhere in the world
Our Upholsterers
We only use the best quality materials for our sofas & chairs, which are made by our talented craftspeople to the very highest standards. We quality-check our work meticulously at every stage. That’s why we can happily guarantee all our frames for 20 years* – because we’re confident that we’re giving you the absolute best.
The Finanes
(Owner) Kieran with his sons, Kilian & Ciaran (Managing Directors)
Our Seamstresses
Like our Upholsterers, many of Finline Furniture Sewers have huge experience. It takes extreme skill to work with upholstery fabrics. Different models require different skills depending on whether they are self piped, self seamed or corded. Finline Furniture use state of the art sewing machines to ensure our end product is made to the highest standards.
Our Fabric Cutters
"We have a super team. Our manufacturers, our cutters, our sewers, our upholsters, and so on. They're all dedicated to making sure that the products that Finline produce are top quality, and that everything we do – from cutting the fabric, to sewing it, to reupholstering it, to packing it – that it's all done to the highest standards." Kieran Finane